Sukarya Swasthya Kendras: Basic healthcare within reach
The Swasthya Kendra (health centre) was set up in the year 2005 within the Sukarya office premises. The aim was, to reach the underprivileged, especially those living in Saraswati Kunj and adjoining slums of Gurugram where mostly migrants and construction labour resided.
The team comprises of an MBBS doctor, lab technician and a medicine dispenser. The centre has a strong community outreach programme where a community health worker conducts home visits to build awareness about key health issues like nutrition, personal hygiene and sanitation.
Services provided
- A physician visits once a week (every Thursday) for four hours and provides medical check-up and medicines as part of an OPD facility
- Other services include diagnosis and treatment by a female MBBS doctor; pregnancy, antenatal and postnatal check-ups; medicine disbursement; laboratory test services (HB, BP, blood sugar, height & weight measurement); counselling and referral services
- Preventive services include fortnightly health sessions; group meetings with target groups; community awareness meetings; home visits and follow-ups by the Community health worker; and community mobilisation campaigns
- Organising and celebrating Monthly Mother and Child Health Days in collaboration with the Government health & ICDS department
- Run a well-equipped physiotherapy centre in Sushant Lok, E-block, Gurugram since August, 2005. The centre provides preventive and curative facilities for muscular, skeletal and neurological disorders.
Outreach strategy
- The centre is supported by a strong community outreach programme where a community health worker conducts home visits to build awareness about key health issues like nutrition, personal hygiene and sanitation.
- Collaborate with primary healthcare centres (PHC) where monthly Mother and Child Health (MCH) days are organised.
- Hold camps and provide regular services on immunization, antenatal care, breastfeeding, advice on institutional delivery, basic health check-ups and medicine and counselling under one roof.