Sukarya is now a Girls Opportunity Alliance featured organization and this partnership will strengthen our Adolescent Girls Empowerment and Leadership Program. Through a 12-month initiative, it will provide them knowledge, lifeskills, leadership training and resources to complete their schooling and acquire skills to navigate their lives with greater awareness and results.

Here is a blog post from Obama Foundation –

The biggest win for any NGO working at the grassroots is support, recognition, and inspiration, in that order, at least for us at Sukarya. While we have successfully battled adversities in our two decade-long existence, nothing has been more trying and heartbreaking as the COVID-19 pandemic. Even as we mobilised resources, funds, volunteering support and institutional partnerships, the pandemic was always a wee bit ahead of us, devastating lives, disrupting communities and crippling households. And just when we were wondering where to get hope, for us to hold onto and to share it with our communities, the Michelle Obama-led “Girls Opportunity Alliance” found us. Through their “gofundme’ project the hope in our hearts has got reignited and rekindled as we found our energy and optimism to devote ourselves to implementing a year-long project that will benefit 2000 adolescent girls who are part of Sukarya’s programmes on education, skill training, leadership and lifeskills development and sexual and reproductive health-care.

While it is an honour for Sukarya to be recognised for its work and handpicked for this partnership, what is inspiring is the leadership that will be provided by Michelle Obama who is an icon for young girls not just in India but across the world. Equipping adolescent girls with skills, tools and resources to navigate the complex alleys of their lives during COVID-19 and beyond is the biggest investment that donors can make in creating a more equal world. Look forward to sharing updates and learning from one another.